
Stellar Spectroscopy

Chem-I-Calc: The Chemical Information Calculator

Chem-I-Calc is an open source python package for evaluating the chemical information content of resolved star spectroscopy. It takes advantage of the Fisher information matrix and the Cramér-Rao inequality to quickly calculate the Cramér-Rao lower bounds (CRLBs), which give the best theoretically achievable precision from a set of observations. Use it to quickly forecast the expected chemical abundance precision of your upcoming observation, instrument, or survey!

  • Install it from Github
  • Find the documentation here
  • Read the paper on the methods here

Galactic Chemical Evolution

ChemWAF & fanCE

Python packages wrapping the analytic chemical evolution model from Weinberg et al. (2017)


Flexible one-zone chemical enrichment model developed in Rybizki et al. (2017).


Interactive iPython widget created for Jan Rybizki’s Chempy. This is a great tool for building an intuition for how a system’s star formation history is imprinted on its chemical composition.